Our training sessions are designed to empower parents and carers with the knowledge, tools and confidence to successfully advocate for their child or young person to receive the SEN support they both deserve and are entitled to. Join our training to become a SEN warrior parent!
Learn about the step-by-step process schools and local authorities are required to follow before applying for an EHCP, ensuring your child receives adequate support along the way.
Discover the legal test for an EHC needs assessment, what evidence will be needed and how to submit your parent request for an EHCNA.
Gain an understanding of what happens at mediation, how to prepare and how to confidently advocate for your child / young person.
Understand how to review the draft EHCP, cross reference assessment reports and ensure the plan is SMART.
Learn how to advocate with confidence and how your voice and knowledge are pivotal and can be impactful. Gain methods to use during your meetings and hints and tips to ensure you remain in control!Â
Explore our directory of trusted SEN professionals to find the support your child needs. From Educational Psychologists to Speech and Language Therapists, start your search now and connect with experts ready to help.
SEN Parents Support Group supports parents and carers navigating the SEND journey with resources, advice, and a welcoming community.
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